Platinum Partnership: Hybrid Studio
Platinum Partnership: Hybrid Studio The limited collection goes live on March 22nd, at Yumi Marketplace and features BTC, ETH, and ICP spell books.

We interviewed the Hybrid Studios team, responsible for their spellbinding collection set to hit the Yumi Marketplace on March 22nd.
They have partnered with Inside Dark Studio, a strong partner of ours, as well as DSVCVR, and have recently impressed the ICP community with their high-quality preview videos of spell books representing the holy blockchain trinity of ICP, ETH, and BTC.
As platinum partners, Hybrid Studio will be integrating the Bitfinity Wallet and dropping a full collection at a later date to Infinity Canister holders, as well as looking to cooperate in a variety of other areas.
1. Please tell us about you, your position in the project, your credentials, etc., so that we can introduce you.
I'm part of the team responsible for marketing. Outside of this project, I'm a freelancer and spend a fair amount of time exploring crypto as well as NFTs. But I have a main job in real life.
2. How would you describe your artistic style?
We have been monitoring various kinds of NFT, especially on the ICP network. As a result, we decided to launch our collection as well. After a lengthy discussion, we finally chose the theme of the wizarding world because of the consideration that cryptocurrencies are still considered a miracle, especially in the field of security technology and digital finance. Our design team also agreed to make the design with an animated 3D Model.
3. What drew you to NFT creation rather than traditional canvas-based art?
There are several reasons why we choose to bring our work to NFTs, one of which is an appreciation for a work of art, where when people can be proud to have that design because it's in their crypto wallet, they actually own it, and they can sell it across borders. Also, of course, blockchain technology records transaction activities without a third party and we as a team believe in that.
4. Are there any artists who have inspired you? What do you like about their work?
Coincidentally two of our team members were inspired by some of the same artists, so it was pretty easy for us to determine how our first collection will execute. Some of the artists who inspire us are; Chiharu Shiota, because of his magnificent installation work made of threads, and he conveys expressions that are not visible, such as memory, worry, dreams, and silence; as well as universal ones such as death, life, anxiety, and emptiness. Also, Paulo Coelho, because his writings are simple but full of wisdom and full of meaning, and there are values of life and spirituality.
5. What made you create NFTs?
As mentioned, We believe that NFTs play a very important role in appreciating a work of art. We want everyone who is interested in our collection to feel proud to own it. For example, a few weeks ago, the popular YouTube Channel 'Understanding Web3' asked permission to use a design from our sneak peek in one of their videos. We are sure that anyone who saw the video would be proud to have one of our NFTs in their crypto wallet.
6. How many NFTs will be minted? Can you talk us through the process of how you create the art?
We will release a total of 110 NFTs, of which 100 are for sales, and 10 as airdrops with 3 for our teams, each of us, and 7 for our premier partners. Our design team made it using the blender app. For the first collection, we named it 'Crypto Spell Codex', a 3D animation collection with the theme of world magic spells combined with elements of cryptocurrency technology.
7. Will people be able to breed, stake, or rent your NFT, or will it ever be in a game or be a DAO?
We're not sure if this answers the question, but we're currently working on a project in the ICP chain, where our next collection will be part of a game they've created.
8. What benefits do you think the Internet Computer has over other L1 blockchains when it comes to creating NFTs?
There is a reason why until now it's very rare to find NFT collections in the form of 3D Animation. One of them is due to the efficiency and cost of storing fully on blockchain but we really believe that ICP has solved that issue.
9. What other art have you seen that excites you in the Internet Computer NFT ecosystem?
We see some NFT projects in ICP that have managed to make NFT collections have utility functions like staking while some are also in sync with the game. These two factors make us excited for the future when we can make our collection like that too.
10. What excites you most about your launch, and which date is your launch?
Maybe we can't deny that the current state of the NFT market is not as hyped as before. But we still believe that blockchain technology, even the term metaverse will still be alive and well and may develop rapidly in the future. That's why we're still excited to try to start now. We have coordinated with Yumi and it is confirmed that our collection will launch on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.
11. What advice would you give to anyone trying to enter the world of NFTs?
Basically, it's just technology like any other thing and it also has 2 different sides. Like a knife, if used wisely it is useful, but if you don't know how to use it, it can actually hurt you. So be wise and increase literacy about NFTs and other blockchain terms.
12. What is the nature of the platinum partnership with InfinitySwap?
InfinitySwap will support us with infrastructure and marketing, and we will integrate the Bitfinity Wallet and work towards a community drop in our second collection for Canister holders. We will also do a giveaway event sparing a small number from our limited collection for this purpose.
13. Can you envisage a future where the most valuable NFT space is on the Internet Computer?
The existence of ICP is to provide blockchain solutions that are more efficient, and cheaper than other blockchain networks. Even with the successful event of BTC<>ICP integration, it can be proved that the ICP ecosystem can be a fully decentralized Layer 2.
14. Why do you think NFTs have become so valuable in such a short space of time?
Maybe just like any other technology launch whenever there is a new one, people will be vying to be first. Until the saturation point starts to come out, all that's left are people who really understand the technology and know how to use it so they can still survive, and their number will continue to decrease if there are no more new innovations.
15. Tell us about your team.
So, We are a team of 3 people. Each of us focuses on our own areas such as design, planning, and marketing.
16. What advantages do you believe you have over other competitors?
Maybe because our collection is a 3D animation collection with limited supply, there are also more utility benefits in the future for the holder.
17. Do you have any partners other than InfinitySwap? Please tell us about them.
We have several partnership planning agreements with other ICP projects. But we cannot spill it here and for now. However, if you're actively monitoring our Twitter, you're bound to find the clues.
18. Tell us about the challenges you have faced while building your project?
What the three of us have in common is that we know crypto and NFTs. We're experts in our respective parts of the job. Of course, sometimes our egos kick in during discussions about some topics. However, because we have agreed from the start, whatever the decisions of each, it's still the decisions from experts in their field that must be prioritized first.
19. What are your short and long-term achievements and targets?
Our short-term plan, focuses on the first collection, in all aspects. For the long-term plan, we have planned to open a long-term partnership with other ICP projects, and we feel responsible to make it happen because they have also trusted us to be their partner. And for our next collection, it will most likely come as a full airdrop, where of course our priority is for our first collection holders and for the community members of our partners.
20. Please give us some details about your roadmap.
Initially, the roadmap after our first collection sale includes:
- Creation of the next NFT collection in partnership with Infinity Swap. This collection will be distributed as an airdrop to holders of the NFT Crypto Spell Codex, NFT Infinity Canisters, and Genesis Collection.
- In-game character creation partnership with Inside Dark Studio.
- Creation of the next NFT collection in collaboration with DSCVR. This collection will be distributed as an airdrop to holders of the NFT Crypto Spell Codex and DSCVR users.
21. Do you have any plans to expand into the Metaverse?
For now, we don't have any plans, we currently also have another focus. However, we don't rule out expansion into the metaverse in the future.
22. Will your NFT be tokenized in the future?
At this time, we have no plans to tokenize our collection in the future.
23. Many individuals are still full of doubts about decentralized technology. Have you ever thought about attracting people who aren't familiar with decentralization to your NFT project?
I think the best way to get them to know this "world" is by way of them finding out for themselves, learning for themselves, until they finally have an interest. And our task, which has been involved here for a long time, is to provide education and information as simply as possible so that mass adoption can run better and faster.
24. Can you share your marketing plans before the official launch?
We have done a series of marketing through collaboration techniques with several projects at ICP, such as DSCVR and of course Infinity Swap. Also, we have coordinated quite well with Yumi as our launchpad.
25. Do you have your eye on any other developing metaverse projects?
We really like and love the development of innovation. It will be a challenge for us in the future whether our project can be involved or not.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions 😊
If you are an NFT project looking for marketing and tech/infrastructure support please fill out our NFT application form here:

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