Infinity Weekly: Stronger Together- We can all Play our Part

We want to dedicate this week's editorial to a call to action to join the official DFINITY Discord server

Infinity Weekly: Stronger Together- We can all Play our Part

Happy Sunday & Welcome to Infinity Weekly. If this newsletter was forwarded to you, sign up here.

IC Ecosystem News

♾ Live Action: Dfinity Community, the oldest and largest community news site for all things IC, held their first-ever live stream event. Special guests and crypto influencers @bitcoinr3negade and @realsixfig joined to talk about the recent AVAX scandal that rocked the crypto world, the $GHOST token, and of course, the Internet Computer. Watch the recording if you missed it live!

♾ Unstoppable Motion: The DFINITY Foundation closed out August with their monthly global R&D call. Topics covered included roadmap updates and what lies ahead with the upcoming native Bitcoin integration. The session was recorded, and you can watch the recording below:

♾ 8-Year Gang Activity: Good news for all advocates for digital self-sovereignty! Distrikt, one of the biggest social media dApps on the Internet Computer, received another 100k $ICP from the Open Internet Foundation, following last year’s funding of 40k $ICP. The funding directly increases Distrikt’s neuron, which is staked for 8 years. The Open Internet Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organization that supports the development of digital products and services dedicated to the expansion of an open internet.

♾ Bob the Builder: Ask not what the IC can do for you but what you can do for the IC. Dr. Bob Bodily, CEO of Toniq Labs, outlined 20 major issues that the Internet Computer faces. While some of the criticism may be hard to swallow, the community met the criticism with resolve and open ears. Many of the highlighted problems can only be addressed by the developer community, however, there are things that regular Internet Computer supporters can contribute to--namely, contributing to the larger conversation and encouraging meaningful collaborations between different projects.

♾ It's Finny Time: Finterest, the first ever native Bitcoin lending protocol, conducted an AMA session that included an update on their project progress. They are on track to release a working service soon. Immediately following the AMA, the Finterest Early Adopter Card NFTs saw a significant rise in floor price. Bear season or not, the Internet Computer is ready for an exciting new chapter in DeFi.

This Week In Our Blog

Read all about our extensive partnership with DSCVR, one of the largest social media projects in all of Web 3. The Reddit-style forum recently secured $9 million in funding from notable VCs in the crypto space, demonstrating the high expectations from one of the best projects currently on the Internet Computer. We are thrilled to be working with them hand-in-hand.

InfinitySwap Forms a Strategic Partnership with DSCVR
InfinitySwap and DSCVR have announced our intention to collaborate on a variety of different levels in order to further the development of the Internet Computer ecosystem.

We at InfinitySwap are team players, as evidenced by our developer team's ongoing support of DFINITY's new ICRC-1 token standard. We are excited to see other exciting DeFi applications being built in our ecosystem. Explore some of the best DeFi projects currently being built on the Internet Computer with our article.

Supernova’s DeFi Talent
Following DFINITYs Supernova Hackathon, we take a look at the talent emerging from the ‘Asynchronous DeFi’ category and examine what each team is bringing to the table. To start, let’s briefly recap the winners of the “Asynchronous DeFi” section of the Supernova Hackathon. Once we have Supernova’s…

InfinitySwap is joining forces with Supernova Hackathon Community Choice Award winner Cosmicrafts! Our latest strategic partnership opens up the door to a metaverse of possibilities. Cosmicrafts has been in development since 2016, and we are excited to partner with such a venerable Web 3 gaming pioneer.

InfinitySwap Forms a Strategic Partnership with Cosmicrafts
InfinitySwap and Itoka have announced our intention to collaborate on a variety of different levels in order to further the development of the Internet Computer ecosystem. We are delighted to announce a new partnership with Cosmicrafts, winner of the Supernova Hackathon Community Choice Award. Cosm…

Memecoins are fun, but how does a real utility-based community coin sound? Our collaboration with DKLord and Egido Val will do just that, along with a certified killer NFT drop. Read all about it! And of course, don't forget to download our wallet and maximize your opportunity to be eligible for the upcoming airdrop.

How Our Collab with DKLord and Egido Val Will Bring a Utility Token to the IC
It’s been open season for meme coins on the Internet Computer ever since $GHOST saw sudden success. Since then, investors have been clamoring over $DONGE, $WHALE, $DOGMI, and any other existing or upcoming meme coin. But we’ve heard the community yearning for something more – a token with genuine

Around the Web

⚖️ Liar, Liar?: CryptoLeaks, an anonymous whistleblower site that exposed the deceptive price manipulation of $ICP, dropped another bombshell on August 26th. This time the subject in question was Ava Labs (of $AVAX) and their involvement with Kyle Roche of Roche Freedman, a law firm that specializes in crypto litigation. The shocking report included videos of Roche bragging about his relationship with Ava Labs, a targeted attack against Solana, and using underhanded tactics to keep the SEC's attention away from $AVAX. While both Ava Labs and Roche denied the allegations, Roche withdrew from virtually all of his class action lawsuits, increasing the crypto community's suspicions.

🏠 No Backsies?, one of the largest centralized exchanges in the world, accidentally sent $7.2 million USD to an Australian woman who was owed a $70 refund. This giant mistake was discovered 7 months after the refund had already been processed during an audit. The woman, who purchased a multi-million dollar home with the money, was ordered by the state of Victoria’s Supreme Court to sell her home and return all of the money.

🔱 Third Time’s The Charm: Ethereum isn't the only blockchain with a major upgrade coming. After already being rescheduled twice, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson confirmed that the Vasil mainnet upgrade will be happening on September 22nd. According to IOHK, the company behind Cardano, twelve top crypto exchanges are ready for the upgrade, while Binance and Coinbase are still in progress. This hard fork promises greater scalability and lower gas fees.

Meme of the Week

A Matter of Opinion: Stronger Together:  InfinitySwap Editor

I want to dedicate this week's editorial to a call to action to join the official DFINITY Discord server.

You can (and should) join it here:  if you are a true IC enthusiast. We will publish an article next week outlining what the new DFINITY Discord will offer, so please stay tuned!

After a conversation earlier this week with the esteemed and indefatigable Herbert Yang, DFINITY Head of Operations in Asia, and now tasked with the expansion of the DFINITY Discord portal and overhaul of the grants program, it became clear that the combined resources of the community would be a great way to boost quick and sustainable growth.

InfinitySwap has a strong marketing operation in place, and we have agreed to assist DFINITY with its outreach in any way we can make ourselves useful, whether it is contributions to the burgeoning 'FastBlocks' publication, contributing to their planned newsletter, or, like today, spreading the word about community initiatives such as the aforementioned server.

I personally admire the hard work that Herbert puts into growing DFINITY and love how he always makes himself available to the community despite being one of the busiest people I know. I have a lot of respect for him.

Other communities have a vast network of supporters. Think of how Dogecoin or Shibu Inu became multi-billion dollar assets based on community alone. Marketing matters.

That's where you, the IC community, come into the equation. You can help DFINITY and dapps like ours, InfinitySwap, grow just by playing your part in supporting us. This can be done by liking, sharing, and commenting positively on our articles and posts.

You can help further by recommending us to friends and facilitating outreach to onboard people from outside of the ecosystem, and joining the DFINITY Discord and InfinitySwap Discord to be kept abreast of issues and to offer your own invaluable input, as well as tune into community AMA's and special events like InfinitySwap had earlier in the week. (Thanks to all that attended, it was a very enjoyable session!).

If we all do our part, it will create a snowball effect, and in time, the community will grow to be one of the most powerful in the entire blockchain space. That's why I helped create the largest community on the IC, Dfinity Community, why I am working to promote the numerous advantages of Defi on the IC via InfinitySwap, and why I want to amplify DFINITY's message. It is because I believe in the overall vision of DFINITY and InfinitySwap, and how the Internet Computer can truly power Web3.

We are stronger together, so IC Community, galvanize! Let's grow our influence and outreach and let the world know why it is we fell in love with the Internet Computer.

Thank you!

***One last thing, since you're a loyal reader- If you're willing, could you possibly spare 10 mins to answer a few questions that will help us determine what is driving wallet downloads? Your feedback is really valuable to us!

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*Disclaimer: While every effort is made on this website to provide accurate information, any opinions expressed or information disseminated do not necessarily reflect the views of InfinitySwap itself.